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Does your child have the same problem of finger-sucking?

Why does it work? Read report

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If not treated in time, it can lead to the following disturbances:

  1. skeletal modifications
    maxillary and mandibular displacement
    see example

  2. open bite
    creation of an empty space between the teeth
    see example

  3. increase of the overjet
    front displacement of upper incisor teeth
    see example

  4. back titlt of lower incisors teeth
    back displacement of lower incisor teeth
    see example

  5. psychological issues
    uncertainty, motor instability, tendency to isolate oneself

We have found that the use of the Milly Bracelet, combined with the therapy, solved completely this kind of issue and brought important improvements to the patient’s character (see solved cases).

The Milly Bracelet is the solution to this problem

Bracciale Milly

The Milly Bracelet, allows you to solve the issue of finger-sucking at children and teenagers (patented device) as it prevents the thumb from reaching the palate spot.

The list of solved cases has confirmed the efficiency of the Milly Bracelet - on average, 2 months are enough.

ADRIT di Auleta Adriano - p.iva 031 574 806 52
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ADIVA soluzioni internet
EN tag: finger sucking, finger sucking stop, stop thumb sucking, thumb sucking, thumb sucking, finger sucking, finger in mouth - FR tag: sucer le doigt, sucer le doigt d’arrêt, arrêtez de sucer son pouce, succion du pouce, la succion du pouce, la succion du doigt, le doigt dans la bouche - ES tag: succión digital, succión digital parar, parar chuparse el dedo, chuparse el dedo, chuparse el dedo, chupar dedo, el dedo en la boca - RO tag: suptul degetului, suptul degetului stop, stop suptul degetului, suptul degetului, suptul degetului, suptul degetului, degetul în gură - PT tag: chupar o dedo, chupar o dedo parar, parar de chupar o polegar, chupar o dedo, chupar o dedo, chupar o dedo, o dedo na boca - DE tag: fingerlutschen, stoppen Fingerlutschen, stoppen Daumenlutschen, Daumenlutschen, Daumenlutschen, Finger lutschen, den Finger in den Mund